Find Me An Item


Have you seen something you want and need help finding it either in your size, colour or a more affordable version? If you send us a photo or short brief of what you want to find, we can help you.

We can save you precious time with our experienced knowledge of fashion and resources. We can provide you with online links and physical shops to acquire an exact match (or the closest possible) to your search. For example, say you show us a picture of some boots you are after, we will supply you with information on where you can buy them and/or a close match currently in your size. Where possible we try to find these for you at the lowest price.

This is a one-off service per item. If you are interested in accessing advice and answers to your fashion questions on a more frequent basis then take up a subscription and become a TIFM member. Return to our Services page to find out more.

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Have you seen something you want and need help finding it either in your size, colour or a more affordable version? If you send us a photo or short brief of what you want to find, we can help you.

We can save you precious time with our experienced knowledge of fashion and resources. We can provide you with online links and physical shops to acquire an exact match (or the closest possible) to your search. For example, say you show us a picture of some boots you are after, we will supply you with information on where you can buy them and/or a close match currently in your size. Where possible we try to find these for you at the lowest price.

This is a one-off service per item. If you are interested in accessing advice and answers to your fashion questions on a more frequent basis then take up a subscription and become a TIFM member. Return to our Services page to find out more.

Have you seen something you want and need help finding it either in your size, colour or a more affordable version? If you send us a photo or short brief of what you want to find, we can help you.

We can save you precious time with our experienced knowledge of fashion and resources. We can provide you with online links and physical shops to acquire an exact match (or the closest possible) to your search. For example, say you show us a picture of some boots you are after, we will supply you with information on where you can buy them and/or a close match currently in your size. Where possible we try to find these for you at the lowest price.

This is a one-off service per item. If you are interested in accessing advice and answers to your fashion questions on a more frequent basis then take up a subscription and become a TIFM member. Return to our Services page to find out more.